InHeNce 2021
The disruptive impact of the COVID-19 pandemic situation may allow for the new paradigm of smart health service in the digital age. To promote basic and applied research for the advancement of health services, we call academicians, engineers, clinicians, practitioners, and researchers to share their most up-to-date advanced knowledge, clinical experience, ideas, and the cutting edge of research in the field of Health, Instrumentation, and Measurements, and Natural Sciences. For this purpose, we organize the International Conference on Health, Instrumentation & Measurement, and Natural Sciences (InHeNce), which will be held on July 14-16th, 2021. The theme of InHeNce 2021 is "Contemporary Health Sciences - from research to clinical." About two hundred presenters and participants from the US, Canada, Spain, Japan, Korea, China, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Indonesia are expected to participate in this virtual event.
Welcome to the International Conference on Health, Instrumentation & Measurement, and Natural Science 2021 (InHeNce 2021), which will be held virtually from July 14th to 16th, 2021, from Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia. In addition to technical sessions, there will be invited sessions, panel sessions, and keynote addresses. We solicit full-length, high-quality, and original papers on the following topics:
Track: Health
Medical Instruments and Engineering, Biomedical and Health Informatics, Communication and Information on Public Health, Biomedical Engineering, Translational Medicine, Regenerative Medicine, Primary Care of Family Medicine, Clinical Medicine, Cancer Medicine, Tropical Medicine, Internal Medicine, Infectious Diseases, Psychiatry and Mental Health, Basic Medicine (Anatomy, Physiology, etc.), Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology & Oral Medicine, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Periodontics, Conservative Dentistry, Prosthodontics, Paediatric Dentistry, Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopaedics, Dental Public Health, Oral Radiology, Biomaterial & Technology in Dentistry, Oral Radiology, Public Health Science, Epidemiology, Occupational Health and Safety, Nutrition, Health Regulation and Administration, Hospital Management and Administration, Reproductive Health, Emergency Nursing, Medical Surgery, Gerontic, Pediatric Nursing, Antenatal care, Intranatal care, Postnatal care, and Family Planning in the Digital Age.
Track: Instrumentation and Measurements
Measurements, Data Acquisition and Diagnostics in Health/Clinical Practice, Big Data Analysis of COVID-19 Pandemic, Robotics and Control Systems in Health/Clinical Application, Electrical and Electronic Instruments in Health/Clinical Application, Signal Processing and Analysis, Computing and Processing in Biology and Medicine, Artificial Intelligent, Telehealth, Mechatronics Systems: Theory & Application, Mechatronics Modeling, Simulation And Design, Robotics: Theory And Applications, Unmanned and Autonomous Systems, Sensors, Actuators and Drivers Systems, Optimization/Mathematical Programming, Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Multi-Agent Systems, Systems Biology/Ecology, Operations Research/Decision Theory, Dynamical Systems: Theory & Application, Control Systems: Theory & Application, Process Control, Power Electronics Systems, Information & Communication Systems, Cyber-Physical Systems, Vibration and Noise Control, Energy Harvesting Systems, Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS), Network Systems, Sensor Data Fusion, Estimation & Filtering, and Machine Learning.
Track: Natural Sciences
Advance Materials for Health Application, Biosensors, Nano Bioscience, Chemical Sensors Development, Chemical Engineering, Computational Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Engineering, Nanomedicine and Nano Drug Delivery, Synthetic Approach of Drug Discovery, Natural Products Chemistry, Nanomedicine, Antiaging and Antioxidants, Toxicology, Pharmacology, Immunology, Jamu/Herbal Medicine, Vaccine and Drugs Developments for SARS-COV2, Functional Foods, Agriculture Products and Technology, Entomology, Agronomy, Instrumentation and Measurement for Agriculture Applications, Robotics and Automation in Agriculture Industry, Biomolecular Chemistry, Computational Chemistry, Genetics Engineering, Biology and Microbiology, Environmental Pollution and Remediation.